Roller Hockey League 2022
LTP will be offered on a portion of the rink surface during “Open” Roller Hockey times (+/- twice per week).
- Starts TBD(Mon-Thurs) and runs 10 consecutive weeks ending by 6/23
- All participants must be registered with and must provide proof of registration ($35 cost).
- One game per week; two - 24 min halves and a 5 min warm-up
- Teams with 7 - 9 players (max)
- Protective Equipment Requirements: Full Hockey Equipment Recommended; Hockey Helmet (w/cages for those under 18), Elbow pads, Knee/Shin Guards, and Gloves are required.
- Goalies must have Leg Pads, Helmet w/Cage, Goalie Chest Protector, and Goalie Gloves…a Baseball Glove is a suitable substitute for a Goalie Catch Glove.
- All players must wear inline skates or quads; exception = goalies may play in shoe/sneakers
- League fee = $125 per player (plus proof of USA Roller Hockey registration); league fee includes admission to all Open Roller Hockey times
- “Open” Roller Hockey are times designated for participants to practice their skills. Gear requirements apply.
- Cost of “Open” Roller Hockey and/or LTP will be:
- $5 per each 50 min session
- OR $50 total for the 10 week season (a savings of up to $50…or more!)
- Based on numbers of registrants:
- League Structure: 10U; 14U; HS/Adult Leagues will be separate…as long as the number of participants allows.
- Games will be M, T, W, or Thurs evenings
LTP will be offered on a portion of the rink surface during “Open” Roller Hockey times (+/- twice per week).