Foxcroft Academy Club Hockey consists of high school aged players from Foxcroft Academy and the other school systems in Piscataquis County. Currently made up of a mix of young men and women, the FA Club Hockey Program exists to provide the game of ice hockey as an additional experience for those who participate. Over time, the FA Club Hockey Program has and will continue to morph into higher levels of hockey at the High School Level.
During the 2022-2023 Season, increased participation and community involvement will bring more opportunities for the students of Foxcroft Academy and our surrounding schools. Building on last year's schedule, Foxcroft Academy Club Hockey will continue to enhance each player's skill level with player specific drills, small area games, and competitive "pick-up" hockey games seeking to create an environment where individual advancement and increased enjoyment in the game of hockey becomes a reality. Beginning in November and going through to March, players will experience 2-3 on ice practices per week and the ability to play in 12-15 pick-up hockey games. With JV and Varsity level hockey on the horizon, players beginning their journey with Foxcroft Academy Club Hockey will gain a front row seat to the re-birth of High School hockey in the Greater Piscataquis County Region.
If Club Hockey doesn't provide enough opportunity for you to skate, from late September through late March, the ice at the Piscataquis County Ice Arena will be available to anyone seeking to skate at a very inexpensive rate through our multiple Public Skate and "Shinny" (pick-up hockey games) Sessions.
During the 2022-2023 Season, increased participation and community involvement will bring more opportunities for the students of Foxcroft Academy and our surrounding schools. Building on last year's schedule, Foxcroft Academy Club Hockey will continue to enhance each player's skill level with player specific drills, small area games, and competitive "pick-up" hockey games seeking to create an environment where individual advancement and increased enjoyment in the game of hockey becomes a reality. Beginning in November and going through to March, players will experience 2-3 on ice practices per week and the ability to play in 12-15 pick-up hockey games. With JV and Varsity level hockey on the horizon, players beginning their journey with Foxcroft Academy Club Hockey will gain a front row seat to the re-birth of High School hockey in the Greater Piscataquis County Region.
If Club Hockey doesn't provide enough opportunity for you to skate, from late September through late March, the ice at the Piscataquis County Ice Arena will be available to anyone seeking to skate at a very inexpensive rate through our multiple Public Skate and "Shinny" (pick-up hockey games) Sessions.